Category: Videos

Fight Back Against the Health Insurance Lies!

What does UnitedHealthcare CEO Stephen Hemsley have to lose if Congress passes real healthcare reform this year? Well, for starters, his nearly three quarters of a billion dollars in unexercised stock options might lose a few pennies on the dollar. What does Isabella, a four year-old girl in Winsconsin who is physically incapable of eating …

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Bill Moyers Talks Sense About Health Care

That’s right, President Obama: We voted for you so that you’d lead this once great nation forward. We voted for you because we believe in the high ideals you espouse. We voted for you because we know that this nation can be great once again, and help to lead the world through the twenty-first century. …

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Spanking the Biblical Literalists… Again

Another comment from zdenny has come up that is so amazingly full of misinterpretations, disinformation, irony, misinformation, foolishness, and utter bullshit that I decided to make my response into its own post rather than another reply in the comments. Dan said, “But you’re an expert on that, Denny, you believe countless things that have absolutely …

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While Bing is in Japan, there are some things he should see

Heck, there are loads of things that Bing Haubrich should see while he’s in Japan. Don’t forget that he’s still being held hostage, and needs our help to get back! I hope that Bing is taking advantage of some of the livelier aspects of Japan. Might I suggest something like what is shown in the …

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Stuff like this is why we can never give up.

httpv:// This video should serve as a warning to each and every one of us that there are countless people in this world who honestly, completely believe this bullshit. We cannot let this stuff go unchallenged. One YouTube user in particular who challenges this type of nonsense on a regular basis is AndromedasWake. He specializes …

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I just know this is going to offend someone…

My wife came across this video at another site tonight, and I simply had to post it here. First, let me say that I’m a Pink Floyd fan. I’m not a rabid fan, and I’ve never seen them in concert, but I really enjoy listening to their music. Second, I’m a fan of languages. I …

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What on Earth Were These People Smoking?

My wife happened across this video on another site, and we both watched intently at the seeming insanity taking place. httpv:// Kenneth Hagin (1917-2003) is the Pentecostal preacher in the video. What on earth causes people to act this way? Of course, believers will say that what causes this is not of this earth, but …

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An Amazing Animated Short from Ani7ime

This evening my wife and I watched a short (about 15 minutes) animated video produced by Ani7ime Studio (廣州美術學院數碼藝術專業) called Water Brain (我要看). There are no spoken words, so don’t worry if you don’t understand Chinese. From the page on Vimeo, the poster has this to say about Water Brain: This is a story about …

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Yahtzee’s Head-to-Head review of Prototype vs. InFamous

If you play video games, you should watch Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw’s Zero Punctuation reviews. To follow my mention of Prototype in my last post, here’s Yahtzee’s latest review.

A Shitty Week, and Gaming with [PROTOTYPE]

No, I haven’t posted in nearly two weeks. I don’t really have much of an excuse, either. It has been a shitty week though. Our car died (when two of four cylinders have no compression, it’s time to let the patient go). We got another car (used: I’m a cheap bastard). After filling up the …

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