Tag: friends

The Tide Has Turned

It was refreshing to read this article at the Rhode Island Public Radio web site this evening: Algiere, Bates join RI Senate GOP bloc in backing bill favored by same-sex marriage supporters. This marks the first time that a partisan state legislative caucus has expressed unanimous backing for a bill in support of same-sex marriage. …

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My Next Step Ahead: BEAM Chemotherapy

In just two short days, I’ll be sitting in a hospital in Saint Louis, Missouri, getting my first dose of the chemotherapy which precedes my stem cell transplant. I intend to keep everyone up to date here and elsewhere. I know I’m not going through this alone. What is BEAM? As with many other chemotherapy …

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Listen to “Packard Pokes At”

For the past several weeks, I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of a podcast called “Packard Pokes At.” It’s a weekly podcast that covers news, politics, and religion. Each show is about an hour in length. We record the show on Friday evenings at 9:00pm central time. The show is broadcast live on …

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Did I mention that I live in a great community?


I didn’t really know much about the Urbana-Champaign, Illinois area before I moved here in early 1995. As I’ve come to know more of the area and the people, I’ve come to appreciate what a great place I live in. httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyqxyhccIBk I’m not a world traveler, and I haven’t lived in very many different localities, …

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#uiuctweetup at Joe’s Brewery in Champaign

#uiuctweetup 2011-04-15 No. 2

There was a “Tweetup” in Champaign this afternoon, and I was very happy to attend. The #uiuctweetup was organized by @HoosierCAB, and took place at Joe’s Brewery. Though set up primarily with UIUC IT people in mind, all were definitely welcome. I arrived just a bit after 4:00pm, and enjoyed meeting up with the cool …

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Cancer and Stages

When I first heard that Christopher Hitchens has cancer, I was a bit saddened. It meant that there was a higher probability that an author who I admire might write fewer words for me to enjoy. The news was a bit closer to home for me than some others because I had been diagnosed with …

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Nothing’s Gonna Change My World

As many of the people who might read this blog already know, I was recently diagnosed as having Hodgkin’s Disease, or Hodgkin Lymphoma as they prefer to call it now. That was on the 19th of May, just one month ago. I have cancer. I don’t know any way to explain how that makes me …

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Don’t Give Up

Once in a while, it’s good to listen to this song. The lyrics are printed below. I’ve always enjoyed Peter Gabriel’s work, from his years with Genesis to his more contemporary music. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kl1rRxG251s

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A Birthday Celebration for Mike!

As an atheist, I don’t celebrate religious holidays. Christmas, despite the name, has become a secular holiday for most people. Unfortunately, that leaves us with fewer days throughout the year for celebrations. I think it’s a good idea to make up for it by celebrating more heartily on other days, like birthdays. Today, for instance, …

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Generalizations about Japanese Culture: Help Save Bing!

Held Hostage in Versus

Bing Haubrich has made new friends in Japan, but they want to keep him there! In fact, they have threatened to hold him for ransom unless his American friends and family do two things: Answer questions about Japan/Nippon culture and cuisine. Donate money to help his mother pay the plane fare for his trip. It …

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