Tag: Religion

Why Do These Guys Get A Free Pass?

It certainly isn’t the first time I’ve seen a headline like this: Seating Dispute Delays Another Flight to Israel If these had been Muslim men refusing to sit next to women, they would most likely have been held at gunpoint by the TSA until the FBI arrived to take them into custody. If they had …

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Virginia county board says no followers of ‘pre-Christian deities’ allowed to deliver prayers

Virginia county board says no followers of ‘pre-Christian deities’ allowed to deliver prayers (via Raw Story ) County officials in Virginia have apparently violated the constitution by designating which religious leaders can deliver prayers before public meetings, according to the state’s American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU sent a letter Thursday to the…

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The Tide Has Turned

It was refreshing to read this article at the Rhode Island Public Radio web site this evening: Algiere, Bates join RI Senate GOP bloc in backing bill favored by same-sex marriage supporters. This marks the first time that a partisan state legislative caucus has expressed unanimous backing for a bill in support of same-sex marriage. …

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Misinformation Works; Dangerously So

Yes; misinformation works. Places like Fox News excel at it. Nutjobs like Pam Geller and her ilk have been very successful at promoting fear of anything associated with Islam. They achieve this by simply lying, and playing into the xenophobia already present in many members of the far-right-wing. I follow someone on Twitter named Joe …

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In Which I’m Not Convinced to Follow Islam, Part 1

By way of a conversation on Twitter, I was introduced to a gentleman, Tariq, who proposes that The Quran is a miracle in itself which is “proven” by scientific evidence. Those who use logic and reason, he infers, have little choice but to accept these facts and to follow Islam. Tariq was kind enough to …

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Chris Rodda Debunks David Barton’s Jefferson Lies

David Barton, the über-right-wing’s darling ‘historian’ is a liar. What’s worse is that he’s a liar for Jesus. He and his ilk will stop at nothing to rewrite the history of our nation to reflect their own ideas about the way things should have been. They long for a place and time that never existed. …

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On Atheism: So Many, So Wrong, So Often

I’m writing this post in response to a blog post that was published at two different places on 2012 July 10. That post was penned by Elad Nehorai, a writer who lives in Brooklyn, New York. The title of his post was “Atheism Is a Religion.” I find it frustrating that this issue comes up …

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The Disgusting Hatred of Homosexuals via KRK

Lest we forget that the hatred of people based on their sexuality is not exclusive to fanatics in the United States: For those who may not be able to read the graphic, Mr. Khan tweeted this gem on 21 May 2012: “Today I accept tat if I shall have homosexual son or lesbian daughter then …

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Everybody Draw Mohammed Day, 2012 Edition


Today is the 20th of May,the anniversary date of the first Everybody Draw Mohammed Day. Today I submit my own image of Mohammed, the prophet of Islam. Mohammed Much criticism has been leveled at the basic idea of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day. It has been called inconsiderate, petulant, childish, rude, crass, and offensive. I suppose …

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Sorry, Pastor: Atheists Neither Need Nor Want Your Faith

I saw a link posted on Twitter the other day that highlighted something I see all too often regarding faith and atheism. The link was to an opinion piece in the Nipawin Journal, titled “How much faith does it take to be an atheist?.” The short article was written by Pastor Ken Graham of the …

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