Tag: Religion

NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion…

The First Amendment and Religion The title of this blog post is from the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. The words “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” are commonly known as the Establishment Clause. Together with the Free Exercise Clause, they make up what are …

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Blasphemy Day 2011

Happy Blasphemy Day! Yes; it’s that time of year again. Let the shameless blasphemers raise their voices in decrying the ignorance and stupidity of any laws against that thing some call blasphemy. I’m lucky to be living in the United States, where the thing some people call blasphemy is not against the law. “Congress shall …

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Bob Larson’s Teenage Exorcist Girls

Teenage Exorcist Girls

On 11 August 2011, there was an article in The Daily Mail [Yeah, I know it sucks as a source of anything but bird-cage liner.] with this headline: ‘We’re not like normal teenagers’: Meet the exorcist schoolgirls who spend their time casting out DEMONS around the world. The funniest part of the article was that …

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Can You Feel the Righteous Love?

I could probably write a blog post every day based solely on articles found on WorldNetDaily (or WingNutDaily, as it is often called). There are actually some very good reasons for why I don’t do that, though. I probably wouldn’t get much done because of the imminent facepalm involved with reading most content on WND. …

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Christian Supremacy Rears Its Ugly Head

Angry teacher photo: CONFORM

Damon Fowler, a senior at Bastrop High School in Bastrop, Louisiana, is graduating this evening. Many people in his community are wishing that he weren’t graduating, or that he kept his mouth shut, or that he went to school elsewhere, or that he simply didn’t exist. You see; Damon is an atheist. As Damon explained …

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Help! Help! I’m being repressed!

It has recently come to my attention [by way of a post at Dispatches From the Culture Wars] that a group of Christians in the State of California feel that they need to codify their rights to evangelize and spread the gospel because those rights are in grave peril. They think that an amendment to …

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Why Do I Even Bother?

FACEPALM - Because expressing how dumb that was in words just doesn't work.

Sometimes I have an exchange of words, comments, ideas, etc. with someone, and I am left wondering why I even bothered. I’d like to show you just such an exchange so that you can get an idea of why I feel this way at times. Twitter is an interesting medium for conversations. The limit of …

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Why Do Atheists Seem So Angry?

The Stupid, It Burns - by Plognark

I sometimes see comments and questions wondering why atheists are, to some people’s eyes, very angry people. When I see those comments and questions, an excellent blog post by Greta Christina, Atheists and Anger, always comes to mind. Yes, we atheists are often angry. We have a number of reasons why we are angry. Being …

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Living in a Delusional World


Terry Hurlbut (@Temlakos on Twitter) authors a column for Examiner.com called Creationism Examiner. On December 30th, 2010, Terry published an article entitled Creationism and science: wider implications. The article was brought to my attention in a post by PZ Myers at Pharyngula. I have, in the past, seen remarks about Biblical literalists attempting to “turn …

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Indignation and Projection

You KNOW it's a Myth

A newspaper column was brought to my attention the other day. I had never before heard of the newspaper, The Daily Star of Oneonta, New York, nor the author of the column, Tom Sears. Mr. Sears writes a regular opinion column for The Daily Star. Many of his columns’ titles are prefixed with On the …

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