On 11 August 2011, there was an article in The Daily Mail [Yeah, I know it sucks as a source of anything but bird-cage liner.] with this headline: ‘We’re not like normal teenagers’: Meet the exorcist schoolgirls who spend their time casting out DEMONS around the world. The funniest part of the article was that these people are actually serious about this (or they pretend to be). I should have known that a charlatan like Bob Larson was involved. Not only that, but one of the girls is his daughter.
I found it even less surprising when I read this headline a few days later at The Hollywood Reporter: Reverend Bob Larson and Five American Teen Satan Slayers Get Canadian-made Reality TV Show. Imagine that. Bob intends to do his best to cash in on the gullibility of the masses once again, and he’s pimping out his own daughter and her friends to do it. What a slimeball.
If you’re not familiar with Bob, here’s one of his own videos, showing him in action:
Bob styles himself as an exorcist. That’s right: He actually believes (or pretends to believe) that people become possessed by literal demons, and he, with the power of Jesus, forces these demons to depart. FOX 6 in San Diego knows that he’s a scumbag who’s in it for the money. They had a nice report about, and interview with Bob:
That woman had been repeatedly molested as a child, and honestly believed that she had been tormented by demons. She didn’t need an exorcism. She needed professional psychological counseling.
The biggest cause of demonic possession in the western world is sexual abuse. More than fifty percent of the people we deal with have been sexually abused; mostly women.
Bob claims to have performed over six thousand of these “exorcisms.” Bob also claims that half of our population is “demonized.”
Let’s not forget that Bob really hit the limelight during the “Satanic Panic” of the late 1980s and early 1990s. Just as McCarthy saw Communists hiding behind every door, Bob sees Satan and Demons as the causes of all the bad things in the world.
Whenever I see things like this I have to check the calendar to see what century I’m living in. Satan is not a real being. Demons are not real. Demonic possession is fictional.
This stuff is pumped into your head by people who gain an advantage over you by keeping you in a perpetual state of fear. Who are the ones who promote this stuff? People like Bob Larson. Who are the ones who claim to be the only ones who can help you? People like Bob Larson.
They want your money, and they want control over you. They are con men, snake-oil salesmen, rip-off artists, frauds, swindlers. If it sounds too crazy and 14th-century to be true, then it probably is.
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Another charlatan doing harm. Sad.
Why do people fall prey to this stuff? Lack of education? If that’s it, then things are only going to get worse.
*dramatic sigh* people like this give Christians like me a bad reputation… I believe demons are real, but all the profiteers out there are like the boy who cried wolf. When something really does happen, no one will believe its authenticity. Watched ‘The Exorcist’ when it was in theatres, perfect example (though also fraudulent). Frankly, I’ve had too many experiences with “otherworldy presences” not to believe in stuff like this, but it’s something you have to experience to know what I mean. As for the teen exploitation? Total scam. As for demons physically existing? I think so. As for demonic possession? Such a rare occurrence as compared to frauds like this, but not entirely false. Feel free to bash. *braces for impact*
It is amazing how people can become experts at knowing what is real or unreal just by participating in a post. I have been visiting prisons for years. Demons and evil spirits are more real than the computer in front of you or the air you breathe. How do you explain a woman who is incarcerated telling you she was raped as a child and after the person asks God to forgive her of all the things she did in life, including the murders she committed, suddenly hear a deep male voice speaking from below her abdomen telling you that he is the spirit that caused the relative to rape her and then describe in detail how that person disappeared and where he did. Authorities were then able to find the remains of the person. The lady was in prison when the alleged rapist died. I could go on and on.
Christians who are really filled with the Holy Spirit, not merely bench-warmers do have the ability to cast out demons. Bob Larson was on vacation on the Caribbean of Antigua. Some locals invited him to a church conference. The conference was about introducing many mental home attendants to the fact that many mental and incurable diseases have spiritual roots. In that conference many evil spirits surfaced and trust me: you cannot confront evil spirits unless you have experience. He jumped in and assisted the pastors. Two days later, when the local newspapers carried the news that Bob Larson was on the island and helped, someone called into Observer radio and implied that he came to the rich island of Antigua to hustle the rich and famous. That was so far from the truth. He and his family were on vacation at their own expense and he responded to an invitation. The radio host fact cds heard and read that the man is a Charlton. You see how easy it is to demonize someone you do not like?
Mae Bloomfield.
Hi I would love to speak with you if you are interested in coming on the show I work for to be apart of our guest panel. We will be having Bob Larson and his teenage demonic slayers on as guest. Please email: nazdefrank6@hotmail.com if you are interested. I think it’s important to have on all sides of discussion.
Thank you!
Mae. Please refer to the bible and only the bible for guidance. Demon is casting not is not a dramatic event and ad clearly stated in the Bible, every single god fearing individual has the power. You don’t need a degree to do it. It’s very clear here that bob larson is a con man and you are one of those gullible masses.
It is amazing. I posted above that when the radio host fact checked the data the called said that he had heard and read that the man was a Charlton. Look what got printed: “The radio host fact cds heard and read that the man is a Charlton. You see how easy it is to demonize someone you do not like?”
Therefore I will go a little further. Winston derrick is managing director and show host of “Voice of the People.” You can call Observer Radio at: 1-647477-5859 or 1-268-481-9100…host Winston Derrick or email him at: editor@antiguaobserver.com
Gosh, Mae: Where should I start?
That’s not terribly amazing. It appears that you either inadvertently typed over some text that you had already entered, or that some data was dropped when your comment was submitted. Neither situation seems even mildly amazing.
I’m going to assume that “participating in a post” has something to do with writing the blog post above. If that isn’t what you intended, please correct me.
There are things that I think are real, and there are things that I think are imaginary. Most things that I experience and perceive are real, in the sense of being composed of matter and energy, and able to be experienced in a similar fashion by other entities.
Some things that I experience and perceive are not real in the same sense. Dreams that I might have may seem real to me while I am dreaming, but when I awaken, I recognize that the experience I had was not “real” in the same sense as I described above.
While I do not think there is a teapot orbiting the sun between Earth and Mars, I find myself unable to disprove it. Thus, I cannot say that I know it does not exist. I am fairly certain that it does not, though. There is a difference between thinking and knowing.
Please don’t, unless you have verifiable evidence to support your claims. I do not doubt that you have spent time “witnessing” to unfortunate people who happen to be incarcerated. They are a captive audience, so they’re ripe for the picking, so to speak. My doubts have to do with anything supernatural that might have occurred at any time during any of your visits with the inmates.
For the first step in verifying your claim, please provide empirical evidence for the existence of said “demons.” I’ll wait.
As a matter of fact, I and others like me have been waiting for said evidence for centuries. No one seems to have been able to provide it yet, and I’m guessing that you won’t be able to, either.
I certainly hope that the word you’re attempting to locate is charlatan. “Charlton” is a name, used for a company that once produced comic books, and used for several cities and towns around the world.
A “charlatan,” on the other hand, is a person who might also be described as a con-man, a swindler, or a quack. This word is often used to describe weasels like Bob Larson who do everything they can to unscrupulously bilk the “faithful” out of their hard-earned money.
As you may have once heard, anecdotes do not equal data. Simply stating that something happened doesn’t make it true. Empirical evidence must be provided in order for your statements to be accepted as facts.
No offense intended, but what the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Are deranged people supposed to possess psychokinetic abilities that can knock me down, but only if Jesus and demons aren’t real? [What is it about mentally deranged individuals and their propensity for capital letters?]
Don’t bother. What a radio station employee in Antigua might have to say about the matter doesn’t have much bearing on whether or not Bob Larson is a lying, cheating, scumbag out to grab as much money from the gullible as he can.
Thanks for stopping by, though, Mae, and come back again!
What gets me is that i hope they doing this for the right reasons and let their works reflect on gods glory.Cause if not i wonder whats going to happen when they come across a person who is probably the real deal. and tells them all teenagers including bob larson “Jesus i know Paul i know but who are you.” under whos athourity do you have the right to get me out. THIS IS NOT A GAME read Acts chapter 19 this backs up my statement. God if there doing it for your glory i pray that you protect them in their works.
The reasons they are doing this are probably not the reasons you’re thinking of. It is, indeed, a game. It’s was often called a “confidence trick” or “confidence game.”
Bob Larson is what’s commonly referred to as a con man or grifter. He’s a fraudster looking for easy marks, and vulnerable people who want something to blame for whatever besets them are easy pickings.
Whether Bob Larson is one of the fakes out there or not, demons do exist and as long as they exist, so does the possesion of human beings. Unless you have ever experienced anything demonic in your life you cannot whole-heartedly make a solid claim that they do not exist. Feel fortunate that you have never had any experiences with this other worldly existence and respect those that have. You can not describe how an apple tastes if you have never ate one. Respect.
Gosh, Elizabeth, I guess I’d better start with the basics. How do we know when something exists in the material world that we live in? We know because of evidence.
You stated:
Please provide evidence that what you call “demons” exist. Once this evidence has been presented, you can go about explaining how their existence requires them to possess human beings. I’m willing to bet that a Nobel Prize would be in order were you able to provide such empirical evidence.
You stated:
I cannot deny categorically that demons exist. I cannot explicitly deny that invisible pink unicorns exist, or that you have a dragon in your garage. I am also unable to deny the existence of a small teapot orbiting the sun somewhere between our Earth and the planet Mars. None of these things will I deny.
Please examine the page at the link above in regard to Russell’s Teapot. It will inform you a bit as to the idea of the philosophic burden of proof, and with whom that burden lies.
You said:
I respect the individuals who have been led to believe that whatever maladies might afflict them, real or imagined, are caused by “demons.” I refuse, however, to respect the idea that demons exist at all. I also refuse to respect the idea that any god or gods exist, or have ever existed. This does not mean that I have no respect for a great many people who do believe.
I have evidence that apples exist. I can pick one up and eat it. I can detect it with my own senses, as well as with instruments that can detect its physical properties.
I have never personally seen a narwhal, yet I do not doubt their existence. Their physical properties have been described and measured by scientists and researchers trained in the study of biology. The photographs and recorded video segments of their activities are quite interesting.
Bring forward the empirical evidence for the existence of demons, and we can go on from there.
faking retarded fools….this is just wrong and should be stopped, making money off of morons saying there are demons is a scam and should be treated as such.
I watched the Anderson Cooper show today and I was sick to see and know that this man is doing this for one in the Name of my Jesus and 2 He is using and exploiting his daughter and teen age girls to make money for him.
I am going to make this as brief as I can. If you will go to the book of Matt you will read and see how Jesus Himself cast out devil and how He gave Hid disciples the power against unclean spirits, ,to cast them out. If you will notice Jesus Himself never went looking for demons. The demons were always looking for Jesus. When they found Him He spoke The Word and they had to flee.Nowhere will you find that Jesus charged anyone or help seminars . This just didnt happen. Exorcism is a major theme of the Christian Scriptures. It was recorded in dozens of passages as having been performed by both Jesus and his disciples/apostles. Almost all come from the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke):
Matthew 8:16: “When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick.”
Matthew 8:30-32: “And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding. So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine. And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.”
Matthew 9:32-33: “And when the devil was cast out, the dumb spake: and the multitudes marvelled, saying, It was never so seen in Israel.”
Matthew 10:1: “And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.”
You also have to remember the Bible also says that many of these have to come out through prayer and fasting.
This man is in trouble with God .
The Lost Book of Peter
Thanks, Have a Great Day
Sorry, Ernie, but I don’t allow people to simply come in here and spam advertise their religious bullshit.
Have a great day!
The Bob Larson “Fan” Club – Archived
Thanks Bobbo!! That collection of info is priceless!!
Wait a second. Mae proved the point that demons and exorcism are imaginary and phoney. She wrote: “Here is the real litmus test: anytime you see someone acting deranged go to the person and say: IF JESUS IS NOT REAL AND DEMONS DO NOT EXIST, STAY WHERE YOU ARE AND WITHOUT TOUCHING ME, KNOCK ME TO THE GROUND. THEN MAYBE YOU CAN SAY IT IS YOUR ACTIVE IMAGINATION.”
It’s BECAUSE Demons are not real and exorcism is not real that you can’t do those things, Mae….nor can anyone else. You show me (NOT on tv) someone who can knock me to the ground without touching me and without using a stun gun, and I’ll begin to believe. Until then, you’re all a bunch of crazy, lying, hoaxsters looking for easy money because you have no education or skills to find productive work that contributes to society.
For everyone that says that demons are not real and demands “real evidence” from the hundreds of thousands of people who claim that it is, try this skeptism test. Because I’m pretty sure it’s safe to assume you also claim every single other miraculous or spiritual or religion claim is also false. Sure are a whole lot of people in the world you don’t qualify for your evidence test.
For everyone who’s doubled up laughing at Brian right now, take a few minutes and catch your breath.
Brian, you’ve given me one hell of a laugh! For some reason, you took it upon yourself to search out a five-and-a-half year old blog post ridiculing a con-man’s daughter so that you could promote the work of your God™. What on earth prompted you to do this?
You appear not to have the slightest idea about what empirical evidence is. Since you appear to have gotten your education from Christian Leaders Institute, I shouldn’t be at all surprised. The video you posted was ridiculous, at best.
Please come back when you learn more about critical thinking skills and logical fallacies, and maybe we can have a chat. Until then, thanks for the laugh!!!
[…] seguono l’esorcista nell’altra stanza, in cui c’è la presentazione del reality show TEENAGE EXORCISTS, con protagoniste la figlia di Bob Larson e le sue biondissime amiche. Presentatore norvegese […]