Tag: Atheism

Bill O’Reilly is Still Proud of His Ignorance

In a brief pre-recorded interview, Richard Dawkins exhibits little patience for the blow-hard O’Reilly. If it had been me, I’m certain I would have exhibited much less patience. O’Reilly exhibits his complete ignorance of anything to do with science. It is unusual for O’Reilly to have a prerecorded interview rather than doing it live. Dawkins …

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Blasphemy Day International: Can I get a Hell-Fucking-Yeah!?!?!

Ideas Don't Need Rights: People Do. The Campaign for Free Expression: Protect Dissent

Yes, dear readers, I am aware of the fact that the concept of blasphemy encompasses much more than using words that are considered offensive by some. At least the title might keep some of those with delicate sensibilities from invading my space for a few moments. Today is Blasphemy Day! Blasphemy Day International is a …

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Sometimes the Journalists are Tediously Stupid

Okay, so maybe he’s not stupid, but at the very least he’s disingenuous. My personal opinion is that he’s a bit of a prick as well, but that’s just my opinion. The journalist in question is one Ed West, a “journalist and social commentator who specialises in politics, religion and low culture.” The Telegraph recently …

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Why is Deconversion to Atheism so Hard for Christians to Understand?

The title of this post is somewhat misleading, as it describes the post of a pastor who does understand it, to a certain degree. I recently read an article entitled “Re: Atheism” by Christian blogger and author Michael Spencer. Though I’m not a fan of his subject matter in general, Michael is a good writer. …

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Spanking the Biblical Literalists… Again

Another comment from zdenny has come up that is so amazingly full of misinterpretations, disinformation, irony, misinformation, foolishness, and utter bullshit that I decided to make my response into its own post rather than another reply in the comments. Dan said, “But you’re an expert on that, Denny, you believe countless things that have absolutely …

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I guess I’m still not civil enough. Go figure.

Recently, there have been several posts that I’ve read (even commented on a couple of them) in which the topic of discussion was the continuing saga of whether atheists such as PZ myers are hurting the cause of atheism. How are these atheists hurting the “cause”? It seems that their actions are often seen as …

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Why can’t some Christians understand the concept of “Burden of Proof”?

Burden of Proof. You’ve seen that phrase before, I’m sure. It can be used in different ways, depending on the context. If you happen to be discussing a legal case in the United States, it has a particular meaning. However, in this case I’d like to discuss the term in the context of logical arguments, …

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How Fucking Thick are These People?!?!!?

I simply couldn’t hold my tongue any longer. I had to type it up for all to read. I recently read a blog post from a Christian’s blog. The post was entitled “PROOF that GOD EXISTS!” I found my way there from the author’s comments on another blog post, Why don’t atheists just shut up …

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What is it with creationists?

What is it with these people that they can’t let go of arguments that have been refuted time and again by respected scientists. Oh, wait. I forgot. That would mean they were wrong, and since they have God™ on their side, they just can’t be wrong. So many of them think they have The Truth™ …

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Do You Find That Billboard Offensive?

Fuck You and the Cross You Rode In On

I recently read an article entitled ‘Religion’ billboard brings debate in which metion is made of how offended people are in Birmingham, Alabama because of a billboard. The billboard was paid for by the Alabama Freethought Association, and is a part of the national campaign by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. It seems that the …

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