How Fucking Thick are These People?!?!!?

I simply couldn’t hold my tongue any longer. I had to type it up for all to read.

I recently read a blog post from a Christian’s blog. The post was entitled “PROOF that GOD EXISTS!” I found my way there from the author’s comments on another blog post, Why don’t atheists just shut up and stay home?, over at Lousy Canuck.

In his first paragraph, the author says, “I always run into an atheist or an agnostic that launches the same missile I hear over and over. That is: There is no proof. Are most atheist’s the critical thinkers they say they are? I don’t think so.” I don’t think the author understands what critical thinking is. The reason that atheists asks for proof is because they are thinking critically. (Also: the plural of “atheist” is “atheists”, not “atheist’s”.)

The second paragraph is really… rambling might be a good word. Incoherent might be useful as well. He ends it with this: “That means you really don’t know what you believe about God.” Well, I don’t know about the Christians, but I simply think that God™ does not exist.

His next short paragraph I will give in full:

“God is not some impersonal force of energy without knowledge. He is not some ancient paradox that isn’t suitable for the modern age. He exists out of our space and time, which means that He has an identity.”

That last sentence really is… Meaningless? Yeah, that’s probably the best description I can come up with for that sentence. Meaningless it is.

On to the next paragraph, which starts like this:

“Why do atheist’s hate God? Because He DOES exist. They don’t hate fairy’s, genies, and elves. That because neither of those things exist. They HATE because they KNOW that GOD EXISTS! Nobody likes the feeling like there is power constantly above them, watching everything they do. They rebel against. Yet they need it to exist, which is why people depend on the government.”

Firstly, check out that “plural of atheist” comment above. It’s somewhat applicable for the word “fairy” as well. Secondly, we atheists don’t “hate” your god. We don’t think it exists. We’re actually pretty sure that it doesn’t. If that is the case, why aren’t we out railing against those people who believe in fairies, or genies (djinn is probably the word you really want to use there—it’s a Muslim thing, you wouldn’t understand) or elves? Why aren’t we out on the street corners (or at least our blogs) going on at length about the evils of believing in mermaids, or invisible pink unicorns, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

As I mentioned in the comment section of that post, we really don’t believe in your god. (I doubt anyone will be able to read my comment though. Christians seem to rabidly moderate comments on their blogs). You really don’t understand what it is to be an atheist. Why do we seem to single out Christianity? It’s not specifically Christianity. It’s religion in general. But why not those other things? Because people who strongly believe in fairies (I’m sure there are some out there) are not trying to get the creation myth of the fairies instituted as part of the curriculum in public schools. People who strongly believe in elves are not spouting off every day about how America is an Elven Nation, and how they need to “take back their country”, and implement a system of “Elven Values” in order to save us all from ourselves.

The author’s statement, “Nobody likes the feeling like there is power constantly above them, watching everything they do.” struck me as rather odd. Since God™ is supposed to be omnipotent and omniscient, isn’t God™ constantly above Christians, watching everything they do? And nobody likes that feeling? I guess nobody really likes being a Christian. I don’t think I understand. Actually, I don’t think the author thought through this statement before he typed it.

Let’s skip down to another paragraph:

“One thing the non-believer always struggles with is pain and suffering which includes death. They have no answer, while the Christian does.

A satisfactory one at that; not some false hope of going to heaven because you did absolutely nothing in life. Thats dangerous. The eastern religions are filled with idol worship, vain offerings to statues, and prayers to a god that does not exist.”

That’s really downright humorous! The only people I see struggling with ideas of pain and suffering and death are the Christians! And then there’s the line about “eastern religions” being filled with “idol worship, vain offerings to statues, and prayers to a god that does not exist.” I actually laughed out loud when I read that part! What a bigoted self-righteous bastard that author is! He’s seeing religions other than his own the same way that I see most religions in general!

The author goes on to quote the Bible™ (You knew it had to be in here somewhere, didn’t you?). It’s a quote from (Isaiah 46:5-7 ESV) which he prefaces with “I like what God Himself said on this subject.” You already knew that he believes the Bible™ is the unerring word of God™, didn’t you?

But that’s not the best part! Yes, it does get better! Listen to what he follows the Bible quote with:

“I am not knocking on any religions, in fact, I am just want to point out that falsehood in their worship. I wish they could see that God is Holy and that He is known. He lays it out perfectly in His book. Below will be some resources I have for you to strengthen your faith in God and Jesus.”

Let me get this straight: You start a sentence with the phrase “I am not knocking on any religions“, then follow it in the same sentence with “…just want to point out that falsehood in their worship.What the Fuck?!?!!? Dude, you are such a self-righteous, hypocritical, lying bastard that it simply isn’t even funny any more.

Something in the comments section seemed to stand out for me. The comments refer to the blog of my friend Jason, “Lousy Canuck.

I like your thought! I appreciated your comments over on Lousy Canuck blog too! Very insightful!!
ZDENNY said this on August 4, 2009 at 10:55 pm

Hey, I wanted to add that Jason will eventually block you from posting on his site if you are an intelligent Christian. He just like to push around the dumb ones…
God Bless
ZDENNY said this on August 4, 2009 at 11:02 pm

Thanks Denny! I appreciate it! I am used to getting banned from places on the internet when I place intelligent arguments, lol.
thesaynt said this on August 5, 2009 at 12:07 am

Wait a god-damned fucking minute! Jason completely explained the reason he moderated further comments from ZDENNY. It has absolutely nothing to do with your Christianity or your intelligence (or lack thereof). You are a fucking liar, Denny! I hope you’re fucking proud of yourself. You really should be ashamed. I thought you were a better person than that. I hope you’re still proud of your lies for Christ when your daughter grows up and asks you questions about religion. You sicken me, you fucking hypocrite. People like you are the reason people like me get angry about religion and religious adherents.

My own comment was held for moderation. We’ll see if it gets through. Guess what guys, I don’t moderate posts here. If Akismet thinks it’s spam, it will be held, but if it truly isn’t spam, then I’ll let it through. Of course, my fucking language is probably more than your tender Christian eyes can handle on your computer monitor. Wouldn’t want your spouse/children/parents/whatever looking over to see me telling you to take a long fucking walk on a short fucking pier so you can do all of us a favor and drown yourself in the fucking ocean. Of course, that’s not saying you couldn’t get yourself banned/moderated here as well. I’m pretty fucking lenient, but if you keep posting the same tripe over and over again, I’ll kick your fucking nuts to the curb.


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  1. Dan, I wanted to thank-you for the mention on your web-site! I always consider it an honor no matter if it is positive or negative. The fact that you took the time shows that you are thinking about these issues.

    Jason wouldn’t post any of the info that I sent to him. He intially advised that he wanted me to demonstrate that I knew what evolution was. I sent him all kinds of stuff; however, he didn’t buy any of it. I was able to take the hint that he just didn’t want to interact anymore. I was very sad, but I tried my best. His challenge was basically to accept evolution or be banned which I thought was an improper challenge. You wouldn’t know because you never saw the stuff I sent him.

    I always try to show respect to people on my blogs. If I post something someone says, I try to keep it in their context before I comment on it. I hope you considered it an honor I mentioned you on my post too.


    • Jodi on 2009/08/05 at 18:09
    • Reply

    I saw the stuff zdenny sent to Jason. All I have to do is look over his shoulder. You can check our IPs on that if you want for proof.
    Zdenny just wasn’t getting it. Perhaps it was unfair though, because he would never be able to fully grasp the concept of our argument without having a “light bulb” moment which would then also make him accept it. Jason never said he *had* to accept evolution, just that he had to grasp the concept, and he didn’t. But you can’t really blame him, he came really close until his christian programming kicked in and he lost it again.

    Anyway, nice post Dan. I love how they never seem to fail to assume that we all live lives of anger, hate, fear, and suffering. We don’t. I don’t understand why that’s so hard to grasp for them. I have amazing friends whom I love and we laugh and spread joy every day, we plan normal happy plans, and the only thing really being feared about death is the pain our loved ones will experience at our loss. Seriously people, we’re just like you, only we just don’t believe in your god or any other interpretation of it and we’re perfectly happy that way.

  2. As you can see, Jason admit to banning me from his site even though I sent him a ton of stuff that anyone should accept. He just isn’t that open-minded. I think he was feeling uncomfortable defending his arguments.

  3. They’ve got to know how fucking moronic they sound. Please, for the sake of my hopes that humanity is better than this, tell me that they are just liars rather than really that stupid. I’ve known birds with more reading comprehension (and general cognitive) skills than this pair display.

    I have one MAJOR trigger issue and that is deliberate stupidity. I am well aware of the gaps in my own education and knowledge. I don’t go around to other people’s blogs and flaunt them. When I don’t understand something I work to correct that deficiency within myself. This is why I’m starting to lose my fucking mind: because I’m trying to understand these people. My neurons are trying to run screaming out of my head when I try to force them to make the connections required to think like these fucktards. I literally cannot comprehend how they can be so impossibly fucked in the head and still manage to not swallow their own tongues. And if I have another trigger issue it’s not being able to comprehend something.

  4. Why does a person need to ‘meet a challenge’, I have never asked a person to meet the challenge. You wanted me to demonstrate that I knew what evolution was and I did. Now you want me to become Dawkins for 500 words and for what reason? If you want Dawkins, just read his book.

    In addition, I always see the same two or three people posting on your blog. I don’t think I should have to wait five days before commenting on one of your stories. It’s not like you are getting 100,000 visitors everyday….just people who like to consider issues…

    I didn’t come to proslytize on your site either. I simply came to interact on an intellectual level. I never shared Christ with you or spoke about Jesus. I simply was interacting with your post. For instance, you did a book review and I thought it was a great review. I didn’t do post that we unrelated to the subject matter.

    In fact, I appreciate anyone who post on my blog no matter if they are first or last. At least they are interacting with the material. Communication begins with honest input!

    I am not mad or angry about anything as I love to interact on these issues! I find it intellectually stimulating whether you agree with me or not.

    I appreciate Dan’s comments; however, Dan is just not famaliar with logic so he wouldn’t see the power of an argument anyway. He simply has a blind faith that his biology professor is correct since he wear a white coat.

    Dan is the type of person who likes to travel the blogs looking for friends and new thoughts which is great. I think most people who are curious should do that!

    Love Ya All!


  5. I have found in life that there are very few people who rise to the level of Russell or Craig when it comes to logic and reason. I shouldn’t expect everyone to be at that level when most perhaps 99.9% of the people out there are not really able to follow either of these men.

    I think most people just chat and have an exchange about issues which can be stimulating and perhaps lead to a higher level of thinking. The fact that Dan is not Dawkins, Bertram or Craig should not mean that he doesn’t have a curious mind that like to consider or that he is an idiot because he is not.

    If Dan thinks he is at that level, then great for him; however, if he were honest, he probably be the first to tell you he is interested in that stuff but hasn’t mastered it.

    Dan was even respectful of my audience on my blog by not using a bunch of foul language which I greatly appreciated.

    This is my point. I can go to Christian blogs and I agree with 80% of the stuff they post which is not really stimulating to me. However, I am always in for a great discussion with people who think from a totally different perspective and agree with me perhaps 10% of the time.

    Thinkers enjoy considering all issues and this makes me a better thinker and hopefully is a great exercise for those who disagree.

  6. Logic? Motherfucking LOGIC!?!?! Denny, you’re a fucking moron, who has repeatedly shown you haven’t the first fucking clue what logic is. Willful or because you really are that fucking irrational and stupid, who knows? I certainly don’t care. But don’t come around telling people who, whether they have studied elementary logic or not, actually understand and can functionally build a logical argument about a topic you clearly know nothing about.

    Especially given that you obviously refused to actually look at the links I posted for you. Are you still convinced that we don’t understand how the brain makes vision work?

  7. One of my areas of expertise is philosophy of mind. When you make simple mind statements Duwayne, you actually demonstrate your own lack of knowledge in this area.

  8. You’re a flat fucking liar Denny – no question. Either that or you have never learned a damned thing about your area of “expertise.” I haven’t made simple mind statements, I have pointed out your logical fallacies and pointed out that you are wrong about how the human brain functions. I have pointed you to information about both and you have continued to spew ignorant fucking garbage that shows you either ignored the links, or got intimidated by the big words. Or, you have read them and similar and choose to willfully ignore reason – which given your continual propensity to lie and rather than respond to arguments, spew the same ignorant garbage, I am willing to buy.

    Not something I do lightly, btw. Given the premium I put to honesty and integrity, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. And the ignorant and/or plain fucking stupid, are way above lying sacks of shit in my book.

  9. Duwayne, if you understand the subject, perhaps you can explain the unified field of consciousness and how this works.

    Dan, I do not believe that an atheist can disprove the existence of God in a logical sense; however, an atheist has to be able to demonstrate all of reality from a naturalistic viewpoint; however, this is not possible because reality either becomes to small, too big or is unseen so an atheist will never be able to do this. An atheist worldview is therefore based on faith.

    My answer to your question is ‘no’

    However, the burden of proof is on the atheist to demonstrate that reality is not designed. Design is self-evident in reality. In the same way that your the design of your sentences demonstrate your thoughts, design in reality also demonstrates the thoughts of God.

    The atheist has a burden of demonstrating that there is no design in reality. Design as defined as process, pattern and form is a self-evident truth. If you are a foundationalist, you will understand the argument.

  10. Duwayne, if you understand the subject, perhaps you can explain the unified field of consciousness and how this works.

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!! That’s fucking LOONTASTIC!!!!!!! Thanks Denny, I have been stressed lately and that was a beautiful laugh…

  11. Dan,

    The statement: Theism is true. has to be supported with evidence to show that it is coherent.

    The statement: Atheism is true. has to also be supported by the facts and show that it is coherent.

    I know Atheist are use to just standing around and not doing their homework; however, this is the burden of all atheist which they are not good at doing at all.

  12. DuWayne once again is demonstrating is complete lack of knowledge in the field of the mind. A unified field of consciousness is the biggest problem that people face in this field. I guess I just don’t find DuWayne very convincing because of his demonstrated lack of knowledge in this area. It is hard to take him seriously. You just seem like a very angry person in my view who runs on his emotions constantly.

  13. I am well aware of the unified field of consciousness Denny – I used to believe that kind of garbage. But that is all it is – garbage. There is no more evidence supporting it, than there is evidence to support a magical supreme being that is the same yesterday, today and forever, who is an apparently reformed genocidal maniac who commanded his people to rape, murder and destroy.

    And Denny, you are mistaking anger, for an extreme distaste for nasty fucking liars like you. I value integrity and find your lack thereof offensive not just to me personally, but also for my friends who are still Christians and who consider liars for Jesus like you an absolute abhorrence.

  14. I am not aware of telling a non-truth. All my source information is on my site and anyone can review the sources to compare the context. You would have to give an example.

    I find in life that the ones who are always accusing others of lying are generally the ones who struggle with the issue.

  15. DuWayne, I hope you will forgive me if I offended you in any way. I didn’t mean to. I just report the facts as I see them. You stated that your love was deeper than a Christians yet you continue to treat me as though I were less than human. The love that I know goes much deeper to the point of even loving my enemies. I really do… I pray for you that God will reach you and help you even if you reject his love at this point in your life. God already knows who you are inside and He knows what he is talking you through. Your life does have a purpose and I don’t want to get in the way of what God is going to do with you.

  16. Unified field of consciousness is basically how your mind unified reality. Why do you see everything as a whole? Why are you able to reflect on these unified thoughts? Science really has no idea how this occurs…they have a bunch of theories is all but scientific confirmation.

    In fact, scientist don’t even know why lightening occurs. They have a ton of theories with the latest being cosmic rays from outer space interacting with the clouds. They don’t know.

    My only point was to demonstrate I was famaliar with the field because DuWayne accused me of not telling the truth. The fact is he is not even aware of this huge problem in the philosophy of mind field. I did a whole paper on this one subject and had a great time interacting with the different philosophers.

    In any event, I hope you are doing well and I am glad I haven’t got banned from this site yet.

  17. Keep on lying Denny, I never fucking said my love was deeper than that of Christians and in fact clarified what I meant when I said that my love had deepened since I finally let go of my faith. And you are not calling it as you see it, you are calling it as you have been repeatedly told you are mistaken. You have proven rather solidly now, that you are a lying sack of shit.

    • Diane on 2009/08/07 at 06:34
    • Reply

    Great post! You really point out the bigotry and hypocrisy of Christianity. It’s a shame the christians cannot see how hypocrisy, bigoted, deluded and so freakin’ stupid they are! To me, it is so fucking obvious that we were not created by some magical man in the sky with diamonds! But there are more and more people becoming atheists each year. More and more people of the younger generation are opening their eyes and becoming aware that religion complete crap. Christianity continues to fizzle out day by day whilst the number of atheists in the world continue to grow. In 50 years, so many will look back and wonder how on Earth people ever believed in such bull crap.

  18. Dan said, “In my case I think any sense of anger on my part may be in part due to a lack of nicotine (Still smoke-free, since Sunday night! Yay me!) and an abundance of caffeine and sugar (just finished a large cafe miel with an extra shot, and have moved on to Mountain Dew).


  19. I can’t drink caffein anymore because of my heart; however, I miss my Pepsi!!

  20. It seems that Daniel (the author of the post that I mentioned in this post) didn’t feel the need to come here to defend himself. He still finds it necessary to moderate my comments on his blog, though I was very civil in my responses and used no language that would be considered foul or obscene. I can only assume that he doesn’t even want to admit that anyone opposes his ideas or arguments.

    I can picture him now, with his fingers in his ears, shouting, “La la la la! I can’t hear you! La la la la!”

  21. DuWayne said, “Christians and in fact clarified what I meant when I said that my love had deepened since I finally let go of my faith”

    Interesting for sure. you admit that you were a Christian; however, now that your an atheist your love is deeper.

    Isn’t that a lot like saying that your love is deeper than a Christian? You were a Christian; however, now your an atheist and your love has gone deeper?

    I am not sure why I am saying that is untrue. I think I am demonstrating your argument as presented. On top of this, you then move to treat me as though I were less than human again. You are very consistent for certain.

  22. “Christianity continues to fizzle out day by day whilst the number of atheists in the world continue to grow”

    You might want to do some more research. Christianity is growing by huge leaps all over the world. I think you are out of touch with reality.

    The new atheist is just more connected so they think their numbers are higher because they are not as isolated as they use to be. Atheist are forming a church with the worship of man as their God and reaching out evangelistically to a lost and dying world to let them know that they are happy that they are a lost and dying world.

  23. Hello fucking moron!!! I clarified that in a fucking email moron. I made it clear that I didn’t see the deepening of my love as having anything to do with my shedding of faith, you fucking dipshit. I said that it was a combination of therapy and meeting the right women.

    You’re the fucking liar who wants to pretend I said something I didn’t – or you’re the fucking liar who doesn’t grasp the first thing about logic and totally ignores the meat of anything anyone says to him. Because the only reason you would assume that I meant something I didn’t, is a causative logical fallacy.

    And I am not treating you as if you are less than human. It is unfortunate, but all too true that a large percentage of humans are just as fucking stupid and dishonest as you are.

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