Kirby Delauter, who represents District 5 on the Frederick County, Maryland County Council has provided evidence that he truly doesn’t have a clear grasp of reality. It starts with a newspaper reporter and a brief article.
Bethany Rodgers is a reporter for the Frederick News-Post in Frederick County, Maryland. She wrote an article, Shreve raises staffing, parking concerns, about some issues with the County Council there. She wanted to get the opinion of Kirby Delauter for the article, but he didn’t return her call when she wanted to ask a question.
Mr. Delauter was mentioned twice in that article: Two whole sentences in an article that wasn’t even about him. What was his response? He responded on Facebook:
Yeah, I had to read it twice, too.
Hey, Kirby: Are you honestly that fucking ignorant about life? Are you unaware that the news media doesn’t have to get your permission to mention you in a story? Were the two sentences libelous?
The News-Post followed up with another article: Delauter to The News-Post: Don’t use my name without permission. The national media also picked up on it. Mr. Delauter is getting his fifteen minutes of fame by letting everyone know that he doesn’t grasp even the most basic concepts of free speech.
I hope Kirby grows up and buys a clue some day.
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