The Sky Is Falling! Seeds! Buy Seeds!

This advertisement is being promoted by WorldNut Daily. Surprise, surprise.


…in an economic meltdown, non-hybrid seeds could become more valuable than even silver and gold.

I love the “graph” that purports to show the value of gold, silver, and “Nonhybrid Seeds.” It’s odd that there aren’t any numbers on that graph, isn’t it? I suppose that if you can’t clearly define “economic meltdown” and use the phrase “could become” as a hedge against being wrong, you can say just about whatever you want.

A one-acre garden can provide an “endless supply,” eh? I suppose if you farm that acre for an infinite amount of time, it might be endless.

…these seeds have not been genetically modified in any way.

Well, unless you include the modification by artificial selection over many centuries. You would hardly recognize some of our modern crops if you were to look at their ancestors from not so long ago.

…in a real economic crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.

Quite obviously, these ghouls are looking to capitalize on the fear that they’re promoting. They’ll never go away because there will always be frightened, gullible people who are looking for someone to tell them, at any price, that everything will be alright.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Patrick McDowell. Patrick McDowell said: RT @RelUnrelated: The latest blog post at Relatively Unrelated: "The Sky Is Falling! Seeds! Buy Seeds!" […]

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