June 2010 archive

Accommodation Will Not Work

The accommodationists and their ilk continue to demean us loudmouthed, brash New Atheists atheists while claiming that their own soft, warm, and fuzzy approach is the only way to reach out to the public (particularly its religious majority). As evidence of my claim, I wish to present the following information. A Letter from Nature 465, …

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Is Religion Compatible With Science?

I keep hearing the accommodationist mantra that religion is compatible with science (or vice versa). There have recently been issues regarding a person who happens to be a skeptic, while at the same time being Christian (of the Roman Catholic sect), becoming upset that her religious ideas were openly ridiculed by other skeptics. There have …

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No, I’m Not Helping: I’m Enjoying My 1st Amendment Rights

If you read Greg Laden’s Blog, then you’re probably familiar with another blog called You’re Not Helping. [No, I’m not providing a link. Think I’m going to help them? Fuck them.]. The bloggers (who keep their identities secret in their magical bat cave in Alabama, it seems) at YNH go on and on about how …

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North Korea Seeks Trillions in Compensation from U.S.

North Korea has demanded that the United States must pay nearly $65,000,000,000,000 (That’s sixty-five trillion dollars!) as compensation for what they regard as sixty years of hostility against them. See the following news articles: North Korea Figures It May As Well Ask the United States for $65 Trillion and See What Happens — New York …

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Nothing’s Gonna Change My World

As many of the people who might read this blog already know, I was recently diagnosed as having Hodgkin’s Disease, or Hodgkin Lymphoma as they prefer to call it now. That was on the 19th of May, just one month ago. I have cancer. I don’t know any way to explain how that makes me …

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Bill Donohue is Such an Asshat

Yes, it’s been over two fucking months since I posted something to my blog. There’s been a lot going on. I’ll cover more about that later. I still don’t even know if I’ll continue hosting this blog here, or if I’m going to end up moving it to another server where I have other sites. …

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