Category: Religion

Won’t Someone Please Think Of The Bigots?!?!

That’s right: Someone needs to think of the children bigots! Their rights are being trampled on! They’re being persecuted and repressed, and someone needs to consider their tender feelings! The religious right in general, and the Archdiocese of Washington in particular, are up in arms about the Washington DC City Council. What is the Council …

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Fatwa Envy or the Usual Right-Wing Agenda?

This morning I saw an article on [Yes, I should know better than to frequent such places.] that made me wonder whether the author was exhibiting true Fatwa Envy, or if he was simply spouting the usual right-wing agenda. The author, Steve Kellmeyer, is Catholic. He’s written several books that (I’m assuming) appeal to …

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The Soviet Union Crumbled Because of Christianity?!!?!

I saw a piece in The Guardian this morning that actually made me laugh. When I realized the author was serious, I laughed even harder. I am not a lecturer in politics in the University of Kent at Canterbury, nor a research fellow at the Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies. I am not …

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A Thanksgiving Story: What Would Jesus Tweet?

Chirp01a from Tell us about your Christian Beliefs. Your user name says you are a Liberal Christian. Why?

I was recently made aware of a web site which claims to be “The Christian Alternative to Twitter”. Isn’t that just darling?!?! It really isn’t surprising, what with events like the “no god” debacle on Twitter. The ‘Pilgrims’ Because it is November (the month of the US Thanksgiving holiday), and because I’m witnessing a group …

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I am an Atheist, But am I Anti-Religious?

I’m guessing that any of you who have read my previous posts regarding atheism or religion probably don’t need any clues as to the answer to the posed question. There are those who do ask me, occasionally, whether or not I am anti-religious, in addition to being an atheist.

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Your Religion Is Not Science!

I get so utterly sick of living on a planet inhabited by hordes of ignorant religious creationist fucktwits. It would be so much more tolerable if they would keep their bullshit within their churches, among the faithful. Instead, they feel compelled by the words of their fucktwit leaders to proselytize the hell out of anyone …

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Simply Mention “no god” and Some People Really Get Upset

Between the ‘no god’ escapades on Twitter (on 20 October) and the varied responses to godless signs and billboards in New York and Chicago, I found quite a bit of entertainment last week. On Twitter, many thousands of religious people were upset that the phrase ‘no god’ was the number one ‘trending topic’ for several …

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Blasphemy Day Rebuttal to Paul Kurtz

Blasphemy Day International is already past the halfway point for me here. Don’t forget that it’s still okay to blaspheme every day, unless you happen to live in one of those places where repressive legislation has given religious ideas special privileges which trump your rights to discuss them. There was a post the day before …

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Blasphemy Day International: Can I get a Hell-Fucking-Yeah!?!?!

Ideas Don't Need Rights: People Do. The Campaign for Free Expression: Protect Dissent

Yes, dear readers, I am aware of the fact that the concept of blasphemy encompasses much more than using words that are considered offensive by some. At least the title might keep some of those with delicate sensibilities from invading my space for a few moments. Today is Blasphemy Day! Blasphemy Day International is a …

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Is Bill Donohue Simply Misinformed, Or Is He a Liar

The Catholic League published an item on their web site today, entitled Blasphemy Day Targets Christianity. Their title alone is rather disingenuous. Here’s what the Center for Inquiry web site has to say about Blasphemy Day International: Blasphemy Day International takes place every September 30th to commemorate the publishing of the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons. Blasphemy …

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